There’s nothing wrong with having a rounder, “baby face,” but many adults search for ways to achieve a more defined and chiseled face and jawline. 

If you’ve ever wished you could improve your facial definition, then a buccal fat pad reduction might be right for you. 

What is a buccal fat pad reduction? 

A buccal fat pad reduction procedure is plastic surgery that removes buccal fat, a mass of fat located in the cheeks just below the cheekbones, from the cheeks. 

This surgery is performed to slim down the cheeks and give the face more defined angles. 

The procedure is performed with IV conscious sedation to ensure patient comfort, and the incisions are made inside the mouth so that no visible scarring will be present. Most patients return to work within 1-3 days following the procedure. 

Is a buccal fat pad reduction painful? 

Since you are sedated throughout the procedure, a buccal fat pad reduction should be next to painless! 

Patients should expect to experience some swelling following the procedure, but you can use an ice pack and over-the-counter pain medicine to help with any discomfort post-procedure. 

Are the results permanent? 

The results of a buccal fat pad reduction are permanent. There’s no way for buccal fat pads to grow back, so once they are gone, you’re golden! However, if you gain a significant amount of weight after your procedure, the results of the procedure may be affected. 

So, is it worth it? 

If you’re looking for long-lasting, slimming effects for your face, buccal fat pad reduction surgery is a highly effective option. Good candidates for this procedure have a rounder and fuller face that they’d like to slim down. In addition, suitable candidates are people who are: 

  • At a healthy and stable weight 
  • In good physical health 
  • Nonsmokers 
  • Have realistic expectations about the procedure 

The best way to find out if this procedure is ideal for you is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee to get a better understanding of the surgery, learn more about the expected results, and get all of your questions answered! 

Reach out to the New Life Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness team today at 956-969-8369 to learn more about the impact a buccal fat pad procedure could have on your appearance!