
Conveniently located to serve the areas of San Antonio, Boerne and McAllen, TX

Like airbrushing your skin, Botox® can temporarily erase the wrinkles on your forehead. No more crow’s feet, or 11 lines between your eyes.

Botox® treatment is an easy procedure have done and you can get them on the same day as your consultation if you are an appropriate candidate. Your provider will make you feel relaxed as you get your injections which only takes minutes and can be done on your lunch hour.

Consultation and Planning

When you come to a consultation at New Life Cosmetic Surgery Center, Dr. Lee and Celina will determine if you are a candidate for Botox® treatment. You will discuss how Botox® works and go over which muscles can be relaxed to improve your wrinkles.


Your skin is cleaned off with an alcohol preparation pad. Then very small injections are made to deposit the Botox®. The whole process takes only minutes. Afterwards, you will be ready to go on with your day!


There is no real “down-time” with this type of treatment. You can perform your normal activities the same day. It will take about 72 hours to start working and you will notice your face looking smoother. You will feel a heaviness as your muscles become more sluggish in forming the wrinkles you used to have. People around you will not know what you had done, but they will notice that your skin is smoother and more brilliant appearing!

Remember that everyone is different. Recovery times and progression is not the same for everyone. The normal progression of healing may be different for those with health problems, smokers and or anyone drinking alcohol. You will be given aftercare instructions before leaving the office.


Not only does Botox improve the appearance of wrinkles and worry-lines, but it also gives your skin a new glow. You will look bright and brilliant! Individual results may vary.

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