Health and Wellness

Testosterone Hormone Deficiency

testosterone Replacement Therapy

New Life Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness Center sees many women every week that are as young as 35, who have developed symptoms of fatigue, decreased libido, anxiety, sadness, depression, irritability, poor sleep.  We always talk about the obvious factors such as lack of sleep, increased life stress, limited exercise, and […]

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6 Ways Renuvion J-Plasma Can Be Used To Tighten Skin

Renuvion J-Plasma

If you’re reading this right now, you and I have something in common… We’re aging. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to stop that from happening! WE CAN, HOWEVER, TAKE CERTAIN STEPS TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTS OF TIME ON OUR MINDS AND BODIES: COMMIT TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, STAY […]

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Optimizing Health and Wellness during COVID-19

It’s currently April 1, 2020, and we are in the midst of the largest pandemic in the last 100 years.  Hopefully, we are all using our “down” time in productive ways to “better” ourselves and our families. So I want to mention a few ways you can stay healthy and […]

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Intermittent Fasting

At New Life Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness Center we just don’t focus on surgery but also want patients to feel great on their inside.  This occurs through hormone optimization, exercise, sleep and eating well.  In this blog, I want to talk about intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight […]

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