skin tightening

The Difference Between Fillers and Collagen Biostimulants Like Sculptra

Sculptra — kind of sounds like a superhero, doesn’t it? That’s because it is! In the cosmetic surgery world, of course. What is Sculptra? Sculptra is a non-surgical filler (injectable) that helps naturally replace lost collagen in the face, neck, hands, and buttocks. Sculptra Aesthetic is made with a biocompatible, […]

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6 Ways Renuvion J-Plasma Can Be Used To Tighten Skin

Renuvion J-Plasma

If you’re reading this right now, you and I have something in common… We’re aging. Unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to stop that from happening! WE CAN, HOWEVER, TAKE CERTAIN STEPS TO MINIMIZE THE EFFECTS OF TIME ON OUR MINDS AND BODIES: COMMIT TO A HEALTHY LIFESTYLE, STAY […]

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