If you’ve been hearing the words “tummy tucks but for men” floating around recently or come across it in your online searches, that isn’t a major surprise as the cosmetic procedure has been on the rise in recent years. 

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, an increasing number of men have opted to have a tummy tuck, and overall, more men are turning to plastic surgery to reach or enhance their physique goals. 

The good news is, you are not a lone ranger if you’ve also been searching for ways to improve the appearance of your body. 

Additionally, male tummy tuck surgery could be an excellent option for men who want to tighten or tone their abdomen, so keep reading to discover more if that’s you.

What’s a Male Tummy Tuck? 

A male abdominoplasty or male tummy tuck tightens loose muscles and removes saggy skin to define, sculpt, and tone the midsection. 

Contrary to popular belief, tummy tucks aren’t just for women, and men typically get the procedure with the same goal in mind: to achieve an enhanced physique. 

Tummy tucks for men are transformative procedures that result in changes such as a more youthful figure and increased self-confidence. And if you’re considering the procedure, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation with Dr. Lee to confirm if you’re a suitable fit for surgery and ensure you have realistic expectations. 

In the meantime, and to help define realistic expectations for a male tummy tuck, here are three things to keep in mind: 

1. Not everyone is a good candidate for a male tummy tuck. 

It’s true. Having loose skin around your midsection won’t automatically make you a good candidate for a male abdominoplasty. An ideal candidate is someone who: 

  • Is at a stable weight or nearing their ultimate weight loss goal. 
  • Doesn’t drink or smoke excessively. 
  • Is committed to making long-term healthy lifestyle changes. 
  • Has a significant amount of loose skin or tissue around the midsection. 
  • Has no medical conditions that could increase the risk of surgery. 
  • Has realistic expectations for the procedure. 

2. Tummy tucks for women and men aren’t all that different. 

The distinction between male and female tummy tucks may seem steeper than it actually is because of the names, but both procedures are virtually the same. 

The main differences tend to come down to personal preferences for details such as the shape of the incision line or even the belly button, so if you think men receive a totally different procedure, that’s not the case. 

3. Male tummy tucks last forever, but results may vary.

Patients get to enjoy immediate results of their tummy tuck, but how their tummy tuck appears long-term depends on factors like changes to weight, diet, or lifestyle. 

Maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is the best way to ensure your confidence-inspiring tummy tuck results are long-lasting. 

Want to learn more about achieving your dream figure with a Male Tummy Tuck? 

Don’t hesitate to contact the New Life Cosmetic Surgery and Wellness Center team to schedule a consultation by calling 956.969.8369 or filling out a contact form. We can’t wait to help you determine the best path for your needs!